Health education as an effective element of prevention carried out by medical staff - review work
health, prevention, medical staff, patient, education.Abstract
Introduction: Health as an irrational value requires continuous multidimensional activities to maintain it. Their implementation is based on building self-awareness in the individual through health promotion strategies consisting in shaping the desired behavior among patients. This is a chance that health promotion through implemented health education puts before the patient.
Aim: The aim of the study is to present the beneficial effects of health education on the functioning of the patient.
Material and methods: Literature analysis based on articles and books containing the aspect of health education.
Conclusions: Daily choices create an individual lifestyle, thus not remaining neutral to health. Awareness of responsibility for one's own health shapes an individual approach to the issue of health. This awareness can be achieved through properly implemented health education assumptions. Undertaken actions are a unifying direction of modern medicine and man in the pursuit of achieving positive health indicators. Through them, it is possible to observe mutual benefits, thanks to which health protection reduces expenditures, thus saving any funds generated by the patient, and the patient himself can be healthy in complete satisfaction, striving for self-fulfillment. Only jointly implemented preventive actions controlling the potential risk are able to achieve the unifying goal, which is constantly improving the quality of life.
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