Rehabilitation measures can restore postural balance in osteosarcopenia
rehabilitation, postural balance, osteosarcopenia, HUBER systemAbstract
Imbalance (or postural balance, postural instability), is one of the most common complaints of osteosarcopenia patients. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of using modern computerized HUBER systems with biological feedback function in the restoration of postural balance in osteosarcopenia. Material and methods. 40 osteosarcopenia women aged 56.7 ± 2.3 years have been examined. The methods used: X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), HUBER platform; balancing platform hemisphere “OsportBosu” without biofeedback function; complex "Insight TM", Algometry; ROM, inclinometry; EMG; thermography; heart rate variability. The results of the treatment performed showed an increase in the parameters under study in all observation groups. Conclusions. Rehabilitation measures with the use of apparatus biofeedback treatment are a highly effective method in the medical maintenance and prevention of postural disorders in patients with osteosarcopenia and other disorders.
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