Interpersonal communication between nurses and hospitalized patients - a review of Polish literature
interpersonal communication, patient, nurseAbstract
Each negative change in the health condition causes a great discomfort to patients. It is a difficult situation and therefore it generates both anxiety, stress, and other negative emotions. Therefore, communication plays an important role in relieving the anxiety and stress and may reduce negative emotions and feelings. Communication is a situation in which a proper exchange of information and contact between the nurse and the patient is established thus helping the patient feel secure and understood. The communicate information belongs to the professional responsibilities of a nurse and it is an important element of the patient care.
The aim of the study was to analyze the results of research presented in Polish scientific literature on the subject of communication between a nurse and a hospitalized patient. A selection of scientific articles from the years 2010-2019 were reviewed. A multi-stage process of data selection was employed and both the analysis inclusion criteria and a critical review were used. After having searched the Internet databases, 5 papers were identified which met the analysis inclusion criteria. The main research method employed was the diagnostic survey method.
The analysis of the published research results allowed for the identification of the following categories related to interpersonal communication between the patient and the nurse:
• quality of communication between the nurse and the patient from the patient's perspective;
• nurses' knowledge about the importance of communication in the professional environment and its components in relations with patients;
• interpersonal communication style employed between the nurse and the patient.
Interpersonal communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is an important element of nursing care. Interestingly, both nurses and patients notice the need to improve their communication skills. The results obtained indicate the need for further research in the field of interpersonal communication in the nurse-patient relationship. Consequently, it has been observed that a systematic education through trainings and workshops on proper communication with a hospitalized patient is required.
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