The influence of thiotriazoline on the indicators of nitric oxide under the condition of experimental contact dermatitis and experimental pneumonia
contact dermatitis, pneumonia, nitric oxide, thiotriazolineAbstract
As a result of the conducted researches it is established that with the development of experimental contact dermatitis and experimental pneumonia there is an increase in the level of stable metabolites of nitric oxide, increase of activity of total NO synthase and, at the same time, inhibition of L-arginine activity in the blood, thus these indicators were most expressed on the late stages of her forming of combine pathology(18th day). The use of thiotriazoline in curative aims stipulated the decline of stable NO metabolites on 31.9% (p≤0.05), NOS in blood on 26.6% (р1 ≤0.05) and increase of content L-arginine on 34.5% (р1 ≤0.05) at experimental contact dermatitis and experimental pneumonia as compared to the group of animals that did not yield to influence of this preparation.References
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