Simulation of colitis with the use of food fat
fat diet, palmitic acid, colon mucosa, colitis, dysbiosisAbstract
In recent decades, the consumption of fats, especially animal fats, has increased significantly. It has been established that high-fat nutrition leads not only to the development of obesity, liver steatosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, but also underlies the pathogenesis of dysbiotic syndrome. The latter is the main pathogenetic mechanism of the most widespread noncommunicable diseases.
It has been established that the biological effect of various dietary fats largely depends on their fatty acid composition and, in particular, on the content of saturated fatty acids, especially palmitic acid. It was shown that triglycerides containing palmitic acid are difficult to hydrolyze by lipase of lipoproteins, which complicates their utilization by tissues.
The authors studied the effect of dietary fats with different fatty acid composition on the condition of the mucous membrane of the colon of rats.
The inflammatory process in the colon mucosa (colitis) develops only after consuming butter and palm oil. Partially, it is increased after the consumption of ordinary sunflower oil (the level of only one marker increases - MA).
The development of colitis is inversely related to the degree of decrease in the antioxidant-prooxidant API index. Thus, the consumption of palm oil causes the strongest decrease in the API index and the highest increase in the level of inflammation markers.
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