Mathematical modeling and the assessment of the structural and functional state of bone tissue in women with arterial hypertension and obesity
bone mineral density, osteoprotegrin, arterial hypertension, obesity, adverse labour factorsAbstract
140 postmenopausal women aged 48 - 60 y. o. were examined. They had stage I - II arterial hypertension of the 1-2 degree and obesity of the I degree. All of them worked under the adverse labour conditions. The relationship between bone mineral density, osteoprotegrin level and additional factors that have an adverse effect on the state of bone tissue were studied. A correlation analysis of the relationship between T-criterion, the level of osteoprotegrin and the length of service, the duration of the postmenopausal period, the duration of arterial hypertension, the level of systolic blood pressure, markers of bone remodeling, the level of 25 (OH) D3 and lipid metabolism was performed. Using the linear multiple regression model and taking into account the influence of several factors on the indicator modeled, mathematical models were created for the T-criterion and osteoprotegrin as the most informative indicators for assessing the state of bone tissue. Mathematical modeling allows with a high degree of confidence, using available laboratory indicators, which, when undergoing medical examinations, are obligatory for determination, to determine quickly, without special equipment and significant economic costs, evaluate the structural and functional state of bone tissue in this category of women.
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