Biomechanical analysis of hook technique at close reach of athletes specializing in hand-to-hand combat
strike or hook technique, optoelectronic systems, video analysisAbstract
Topicality. Today, according to many experts, one of the promising ways to solve the problem of improving the efficiency of athletes’ training is the development and mastering of their motor techniques, which is an important and integral component of a holistic system of sports training, as technique is one of the decisive factors determining athlete’s motor potential. The study, formation, improvement and development of the most rational models of sport technique are closely related to the use of modern video recording systems.
The task of the research is to analyse the hook technique at close reach of athletes who specialize in hand-to-hand combat.
Research methods. To achieve the set tasks, we have used such research methods as analysis of scientific and methodological literature as well as documentary materials, methods of registration and analysis of athlete's movements (system of video recording and analysis of athlete's movements, 3D recording of human movements "Qualisys Motion Capture"). The results obtained during the study have been processed using the methods of mathematical statistics.
Results of the research. The hook technique at close reach in hand-to-hand combat is conventionally divided into three phases: the initial position, the phase of swing or propulsion (movement of the hand hitting the opponent), as well as the phase of strike (impact). In each phase, separate tasks are solved, but all of them, one way or another, are aimed at developing maximum strength, achieving it at the time of impact with an accurate hit on target.
Conclusions. Modern video recording systems allow obtaining objective quantitative characteristics of the athlete's body movement, which fully satisfies the necessary metrological requirements for biomechanical analysis.
Experimental studies have shown that the hook technique at close reach is individual for athletes of different qualification. However, we have identified general trends inherent in this group of athletes. For example, we have established a premature peak of the speed increase in the hitting links before the strike (impact), which was characteristic of all qualified athletes. The obtained data allowed us to establish that for high-skilled athletes the velocity modules of their certain joints at different points in time may differ. However, there is a general dynamics of change in the resulting speed, which may be associated with a certain and established sequence of biolinks inclusion and joints extension during the hook.
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