The network systematics of recreational and tourist potential
network systematics, recreational and tourist potential, recreational geography and tourism, recreational clusterAbstract
Practical requests for recreational and tourist activities require the characterization and assessment of specific conditions and resources, specific facilities, areas and territories. Therefore, scientists and practitioners try to develop "working methods" for the assessment of recreational and tourist potential. This is how we explain the need to form a network systematics of recreational and tourist potential as a new direction of evaluation of recreational benefits. The main objectives of this article is the introduction and development of the concept of recreational cluster as the unit of the network systematics of recreational and tourist potential. Material and methods: as a methodological basis used developments that are set out in the scientific works of Ukrainian scientists and previous author's developments. Both general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, system approach, induction and deduction) and specific scientific methods were used in the work. Results and discussion: the problem of developing integrated assessments of recreational and tourist potential remains as a core methodological direction, which is still far from being developed. We illustrate this approach with a formalized methodological scheme. It presents two areas of hierarchical systematics of recreational and tourist potential – component and functional. Another direction at the intersection of hierarchical classifications is formed by the network systematics of recreational and tourist potential. Conclusions: recreational cluster – is a unit of network taxonomy, which is formed at the intersection (of the component classification of recreational and tourist potential and functional taxonomy of recreational and tourist activity. The network systematics of recreational and tourist potential means combining recreational conditions and resources with their consumption in different types and forms of recreational and tourist activity.
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