The use of physical therapy for non-motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease according to the monitoring of cerebral hemodynamics
physical therapy, Parkinson's diseaseAbstract
Topicality. Determining the level of effectiveness of the use of physical therapy for non-motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease to stop the rate of its progression.
Objectives of the study: to develop and apply to patients with non-motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease in the early stages a program of physical therapy. To study the effectiveness of the developed physical therapy program by objective and rheoencephalographic examination.
Research results. After the physical therapy, the patients' condition improved significantly. Cognitive, mental functions, motor abilities and manifestations from the side of the cardiovascular system are effectively improved with the help of physical exercises and the whole complex of physical therapy we have developed. Changes in the status of patients after physical therapy for the better were recorded by both subjective and objective survey data. Particularly significant were the data on the improvement of cerebral hemodynamics in the form of recovery of rheoencephalographic parameters. They showed a significant statistically significant difference in patients before physical therapy and after physical therapy in dicrotic and diastolic indices and time of anacrota.
Conclusions. According to the research, the patients who received the developed complex of physical therapy were significantly better than in the group of patients who did not receive the physical therapy, which testifies to the effectiveness of the developed and applied complex physical therapy of non-motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease and allows to recommend it for wider introduction.
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