Metabolic disorders: a prospective target in the prostate cancer treatment complex
prostate cancer, diabetes mellitus, obesity, metabolic dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, statins, metforminAbstract
Prostate cancer (PC) is currently one of the most socially significant world oncological diseases. In many regions PC ranks first in the structure of oncological diseases and leading position in elderly men mortality structure. Taking into account the great importance of metabolic disorders in the carcinogenesis and the aggressive course of PC, the diseases with metabolic component (cardio-vascular, obesity, diabetes mellitus) are activiely studied. Their common feature is metabolic dyslipidemia. While the feasibility and effectiveness of metabolic disorders correction in PC is the object of close attention of many researchers the results of studies are very contradictory - from a negative impact or complete absence of any effect to a significant improvement in survival rates. Correction of metabolic disorders is currently achieved by metabolic drugs, in particular, statins and metformin. Some studies have established a positive effect of this therapy on the course of PC. This indicates its prospects as an additional method in the complex therapy of PC.
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