Exemption from medical confidentiality rule in criminal cases under Article 180 § 2 of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure - reflections in the context of caring for the patient’s welfare and the ethos of the doctor’s profession
Medical confidentiality, criminal proceedings, sake of justice, exemptionAbstract
The regulations of the amended Polish Code of Medical Ethics, which entered into force at the beginning of 2025, upheld the doctor’s obligation to maintain medical confidentiality. This obligation is so entrenched not only in law but also in social awareness, that it is unimaginable to omit it in any act regulating the principles of medical ethics. Both at the international and national level, the duty to maintain medical confidentiality is strongly established culturally, historically and normatively. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the art. 180 § 2 of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure, as a regulation stipulating that the rule of medical confidentiality is not absolute. The following goal is to analyze the circumstances and grounds for exemption from this rule in accordance with the provisions of the discussed article. This will allow us to achieve the general purpose of the present statement, i.e. to make doctors aware of the circumstances that may result in releasing the from the obligation to maintain medical confidentiality.
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[3] Rudolf E. I., On guard of rationalism. The figure of a doctor in selected works by Stefan Grabiński, „Litteraria Copernicana”, 1(11)/2013, p. 129.
[4] Rudolf E. I., On guard of rationalism. The figure of a doctor in selected works by Stefan Grabiński, „Litteraria Copernicana”, 1(11)/2013, p. 131-132
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[6] M. Burdzik, A doctor in a criminal trial as a guarantor of medical confidentiality, Warszawa 2001, p. 77-78. The first normative act indicated in Article 11 that, ‘A doctor is obliged to keep secret everything he observes, hears or learns during and as a result of practising his profession’. In turn, the second one stated in article 15(1): ‘The doctor is obliged to keep secret everything he learns during and as a result of the practice of his profession’. Finally, the third one indicated in Article 14(1): ‘The doctor shall be obliged to keep secret everything of which he or she shall have knowledge in connection with the practice of his or her profession’. It is worth pointing out that all these normative acts provided for exceptions, the maintenance of secrecy was not absolute.
[7] As quoted in Kosiński E., Legal status of the doctor’s profession. Selected issues, „Studia Prawa Publicznego”, 3(15) 2016, p. 18.
[8] Kosiński E., Legal status of the doctor’s profession. Selected issues, „Studia Prawa Publicznego”, 3(15) 2016, p. 19-20
[9] Judgement of TK of 24.03.2015, K 19/14, OTK-A 2015, nr 3, poz. 32. All judgements and ruling commented in this article come from the following source: …
[10] Wiśniewska-Śliwińska H., Marcinkowski J. T., The problem of disclosing medical data covered by medical confidentiality during court hearings, „Orzecznictwo Lekarskie” 2011, 8(1): 40-46, p. 43-44
[11] https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights (access: 7.01.2025).
[12] https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-covenant-civil-and-political-rights (access: 07.01.2025).
[13] https://www.echr.coe.int/documents/d/echr/convention_eng (access: 07.01.2025).
[14] https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-geneva/ (access: 07.01.2025).
[15] THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND OF 2nd APRIL, 1997 As published in Dziennik Ustaw No. 78, item 483 https://www.sejm.gov.pl/prawo/konst/angielski/kon1.htm (access: 07.01.2025), all references to the Polish Constitution come from this source.
[16] M. Burdzik, A doctor in a criminal trial as a guarantor of medical confidentiality, Warszawa 2001, p. 79.
[17]Ruling of TK z 24.06.1997 r., K 21/96, OTK 1997, nr 2, poz. 23.
[18] M. Burdzik, A doctor in a criminal trial as a guarantor of medical confidentiality, Warszawa 2001, p. 79.
[19] Judgement of SN z 10.07.2019 r., III UK 189/18, LEX nr 2692778.
[20] M. Burdzik, A doctor in a criminal trial as a guarantor of medical confidentiality, Warszawa 2001, p. 79.
[21]Ruling of TK z 24.06.1997 r., K 21/96, OTK 1997, nr 2, poz. 23.
[22] Wroński K., Observing medical confidentiality, „Współczesna Onkologia” (2007) vol. 11; 9 (455–457), p. 455.
[23]Similarly: Wiśniewska-Śliwińska H., Marcinkowski J. T., The problem of disclosing medical data covered by medical confidentiality during court hearings, „Orzecznictwo Lekarskie” 2011, 8(1): 40-46, p. 43-44 Paragraph 5 also introduces a statutory requirement to set out rules for the ‘collection and provision of information’.
[24]Por. Wroński K., Observing medical confidentiality, „Współczesna Onkologia” (2007) vol. 11; 9 (455–457), p. 455-456. I
[25]t should be pointed out that the commented provision also contains provisions relating to civil or administrative proceedings, but in view of the scope of the present article, which concerns criminal proceedings, their analysis is omitted. M. Burdzik, A doctor in a criminal trial as a guarantor of medical confidentiality, Warszawa 2001, p. 78.
[26] One can also mention the Act on Rights of the Patient and Patient Ombudsman of 6.11.2008 (Polish: Ustawa z dnia 6 listopada 2008 r. o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta, Dz.U. 2009 nr 52 poz. 417. We are referring to Articles 13 and 14(1) of this law. According to these regulations, the patient's right to privacy and the duty of medical professionals to keep patient information confidential is confirmed.
[27]https://nil.org.pl/uploaded_images/1723037323_kel-2305.pdf (access: 7.01.2025).
[28]See Wroński K., Observing medical confidentiality, „Współczesna Onkologia” (2007) vol. 11; 9 (455–457), p. 455.
[29] Wiśniewska-Śliwińska H., Marcinkowski J. T., The problem of disclosing medical data covered by medical confidentiality during court hearings, „Orzecznictwo Lekarskie” 2011, 8(1): 40-46, p. 43.
[30]M. Zygier, W ślad za wyrokiem Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w sprawie obowiązku zachowania tajemnicy lekarskiej, „Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej” 2015, tom 9, nr 1, 45–49, s.48-49.
[31]Judgement TK z 30.07.2014 r., K 23/11, OTK-A 2014, nr 7, poz. 80.
[32] E. Anczyk, A. Anczyk, Lekarski etos w relacjach z pacjentem, „Medycyna Środowiskowa / Environmental Medicine” 2010; 13 (1), s.124.
[33] Ruling of SA in Wrocław of 4.11.2010 r., II AKz 588/10, LEX nr 621274.
[34] It is worth pointing out that the disclosure of medical confidentiality can also be the subject of civil proceedings - a case of infringement of personal rights - Article 23 of the Polish Civil Code (Polish: Ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 r. Kodeks cywilny (t.j. Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 1061 z późn. zm.).
[35] https://sip.lex.pl/#/act-translation/1459620518 (access: 7.01.2025., Polish: Ustawa z dnia 6 czerwca 1997 r. Kodeks karny (t.j. Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 17 z późn. zm.).
[36] M. Burdzik, A doctor in a criminal trial as a guarantor of medical confidentiality, Warszawa 2001, p. 156
[37]https://sip.lex.pl/#/act-translation/1459620602 (access: 7.01.2025. Ustawa z dnia 6 czerwca 1997 r. Kodeks postępowania karnego (t.j. Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 37 z późn. zm.).
[38] See: K. Wroński, Przestrzeganie tajemnicy lekarskiej, „Współczesna Onkologia” (2007) vol. 11; 9 (455–457), s. 456.
[39] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S. [w:] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S.,
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[40] Ruling SN of 3.09.2008 r., WZ 52/08, OSNwSK 2008/1, poz. 1750.
[41]Ruling SA in Cracow z 21.04.2010 r., II AKz 129/10, KZS 2010, nr 5, poz. 36.
[42] Sychta K. [w:] Code of Criminal Procedure. Commentary, red. J. Zagrodnik, Warszawa 2024, art. 180. https://sip.lex.pl/#/commentary/587945285/777176/zagrodnik-jaroslaw-red-kodeks-postepowania-karnego-komentarz?cm=URELATIONS (dostęp: 2025-01-09 14:14)
[43] Ruling SA w Łodzi z 5.04.2018 r., II AKz 155/18, OSAŁ 2018, nr 1, poz. 81.
[44] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S. [w:] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S.,
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[45] Ruling SN z 19.05.2020 r., I KZ 8/20, OSNKW 2020, nr 8, poz. 31.
[46] Kulesza C. [w:] Code of Criminal Procedure. Commentary, wyd. III, red. K. Dudka, Warszawa 2023, art. 180.
[47]Judgement of SN of 11.01.2017 r., IV KK 277/16, LEX nr 2216092; see
[48] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S. [w:] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S.,
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[49] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S. [w:] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S.,
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[50] Ruling SA w Łodzi z 5.04.2018 r., II AKz 155/18, OSAŁ 2018, nr 1, poz. 81.
[51] Ruling SA w Gdańsku z 11.09.2019 r., II AKz 789/19, KSAG 2019, nr 3-4, poz. 210-215.
[52] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S. [w:] Stefański R. A., Zabłocki S.,
Code of Criminal Procedure. Volume II. Commentary on art. 167-296, Warszawa 2019, art. 180. https://sip.lex.pl/#/commentary/587781684/579124/stefanski-ryszard-a-red-zablocki-stanislaw-red-kodeks-postepowania-karnego-tom-ii-komentarz-do...?cm=URELATIONS (access: 2025-01-13 13:10).
[53]The Resolution of SN (7) z 19.01.1995 r., I KZP 15/94, OSNKW 1995/1–2, poz. 1).
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[55] Sychta K. [w:] Code of Criminal Procedure. Commentary, red. J. Zagrodnik, Warszawa 2024, art. 180. https://sip.lex.pl/#/commentary/587945285/777176/zagrodnik-jaroslaw-red-kodeks-postepowania-karnego-komentarz?cm=URELATIONS (dostęp: 2025-01-09 14:14)
[56]Ruling SA w Katowicach z 12.10.2011 r., II AKz 664/11, LEX nr 1102940)
[57] Burdzik M., A doctor in a criminal trial as a guarantor of medical confidentiality, Warszawa 2001, p. 159-161 A doctor who is a witness in a case, irrespective of the fact that he or she is exempted from professional secrecy, is also entitled to exercise the right to refuse to testify under Article 182(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure if the accused is the person closest to him or her19.
[58]Ruling SA w Krakowie z 16.06.2010 r., II AKz 198/10, LEX nr 663634).”
[59] Sychta K. [w:] Code of Criminal Procedure. Commentary, red. J. Zagrodnik, Warszawa 2024, art. 180. https://sip.lex.pl/#/commentary/587945285/777176/zagrodnik-jaroslaw-red-kodeks-postepowania-karnego-komentarz?cm=URELATIONS (dostęp: 2025-01-09 14:14)
[60] Wiśniewska-Śliwińska H., Marcinkowski J. T., The problem of disclosing medical data covered by medical confidentiality during court hearings, „Orzecznictwo Lekarskie” 2011, 8(1): 40-46, p.
[61] Wiśniewska-Śliwińska H., Marcinkowski J. T., The problem of disclosing medical data covered by medical confidentiality during court hearings, „Orzecznictwo Lekarskie” 2011, 8(1): 40-46, p 41.
[62] Burdzik M., A doctor in a criminal trial as a guarantor of medical confidentiality, Warszawa 2001, p. 161 Istnieją wyjątki od tej zasady zob. w art. 181a kpk
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Copyright (c) 2025 Diana Mazur-Lesińska, Anna Kasprzak, Monika Kułaga, Monika Grzybek, Barbara Szostak, Sylwia Wielgosz-Biała, Krzysztof Tyszkiewicz, Borys Łozowski, Małgorzata Kasprzak, Barbara Wilczyńska

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