Potential health benefits and risks associated with bouldering, a sport of rapidly increasing popularity – a literature review
bouldering, rock climbing injuries, bouldering health benefits, pulley injuries, bouldering psychoterapy, overuse syndromesAbstract
Introduction and purpose:
Bouldering is a type of rock climbing activity, which can be practiced on objects usually no higher than 6 meters. It does not require any equipment besides a pair of climbing shoes and chalk, used to enhance the grip quality and to dry up the climber’s hands. Due to its approachability, great availability of indoor climbing centres, as well as no need for special equipment, it is becoming an increasingly popular sport among people in various age groups in recent years.
The purpose of our article was to gather information on potential health benefits from bouldering and most common injuries associated with it.
A brief description of the state of knowledge:
During a bouldering session, a sport of rapidly increasing popularity, participants are faced with a variety of mental and physical challenges to overcome, which can lead to health benefits, as well as an increased risk of injury. The most common injuries affect athlete’s fingers and shoulders, due to dominant use of upper extremities in the sport. Health benefits are plentiful, ranging from physical, in the means of increased cardiovascular and muscular strength, to psychological, with bouldering being part of depression therapy, not inferior to standard methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Incidence of injuries is relatively low in bouldering, and undeniable health benefits are present – both mental and physical. Furthermore, bouldering is a solid choice for those planning to develop core muscular strength.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Łukasz Fijałkowski, Jan Węgrzyn, Aleksandra Nosal, Adam Czarnecki , Aleksandra Galanty-Ochyra, Piotr Zając , Karolina Serwońska, Artur Pastuszka, Olga Jabłońska

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