Autism spectrum disorder: definition, global epidemiology, prevalence in Poland and worldwide, and heredity
autism, autism spectrum disorder, ASD, history, epidemiology, prevalence, inheritance, heredity, geneticsAbstract
Introduction: The understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has evolved significantly. First mentioned in 1911, autism was described as "early childhood autism" by Leo Kanner in 1943, and a milder form, Asperger syndrome, was outlined by Hans Asperger in 1944. Expanding diagnostic criteria have led to increased recognition, with prevalence rising from 1 in 2,000 children in the 1980s to about 1 in 100 today. This growth is attributed to improved diagnostics, awareness, and healthcare access. While its exact causes remain unknown, ASD risk is influenced by genetic, environmental, prenatal, and perinatal factors, with genes like SHANK3, CHD8, and FMR1 playing key roles.
The aim of the study: This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of autism spectrum disorder by examining its definition, historical context, epidemiology, and heredity. Special attention is given to global prevalence rates, with a focus on comparative trends in Poland, as well as genetic advancements shaping our understanding of this condition.
Material and method: In our article we used English databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar. We selected the articles according to keywords such as “ASD”, “autism”, “history of autism”, “epidemiology”, “inheritance”, “genetic”. The articles we used were published from 1943, mainly 2019-2024.
Conclusions: ASD is a complex condition influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Advances in diagnostics and awareness have led to increased prevalence rates globally. Genetic studies highlight key hereditary components, offering insights for early intervention. Ongoing research and culturally tailored strategies are essential to improve diagnosis, support, and quality of life for individuals struggling with this condition.
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