The importance of mammography in the prevention of breast cancer in women in Norway
mammography, breast cancer, women, NorwayAbstract
Introduction. Breast cancer in women in the world is the dominant cancer and the main cause of death in this population.In the last decade, the number of new cases of this cancer has increased significantly, especially among women over 50 years of age. In Norway, however, positive epidemiological trends can be observed in the form of high relative five-year survival rates and a decrease in mortality due to breast cancer.
The aim of the study is to present the recommendations and effects of the mammography program in women in Norway for the prevention of breast cancer.
Material and methods. The study uses the method of review and analysis of literature from databases of scientific journals - mainly PubMed. The search used the following keywords: "breast cancer", "Norway", "mammography", "women". In addition, Norwegian statistical registers on demographic data were also analysed.
Results. It should be emphasized that women in Norway are very interested in mammography screening, which means that breast cancer in this country is most often diagnosed at an early stage of development. The Norwegian Research Council found that mammography has reduced women's mortality from breast cancer by more than 20%. In 2023, the five-year survival rate for women with breast cancer in Norway was high, at 92.7%. There was also a decrease in mortality from 694 deaths in 2005 to 619 in 2022.
Conclusions. National and international cooperation should be continued, sharing experiences in health-promoting activities aimed at improving epidemiological indicators and quality of life of women with breast cancer, and conducting scientific research in this area.
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