Where does the panic attack come from... – characteristics and forms of therapy for anxiety disorders
anxiety, anxiety disordes, psychoteraphyAbstract
Introduction and purpose: Anxiety is a term with primarily psychological meaning, describing a broadly defined, indefinite emotional state characterized by the experience of uncertainty, apprehension, fear and annoyance. Anxiety is a feature of many common diseases as well as mental disorders. It is a non-specific and common symptom in medicine occurring as a trait in personality structure, psychotic anxiety or a condition in psychosomatics. Due to the variety of clinical symptoms accompanying anxiety disorders, they should not be considered as a whole, as this group is not homogeneous and each individual differs in significant ways from the others. The following work aims to present the types of anxiety that occur, analyze their characteristics, and apply knowledge from psychology, neuroscience and psychiatry in understanding and treating these disorders. Description of the state knowledge: A review of the reviewed literature indicates the significant benefits of combining appropriately selected pharmacotherapy and concurrent psychotherapy in patients struggling with anxiety disorders. Summary: Anxiety disorders are the most common group of mental disorders that usually begin just before or in early adulthood. Although anxiety disorders are defined as the presence of extreme fear and anxiety, they encompass a range of different disease entities. The new ICD-11 International Classification of Diseases in the field of psychiatry has proposed moving away from defining a group of these disorders as “neurotic disorders” and replacing it with the less stigmatizing term “anxiety disorders” containing seven specific subgroups of disorders. The key role is to make a correct diagnosis of the disorders in question and to include effective treatment due to the wide range of anxiety as apsychopathological symptom.
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