Electronic cigarettes and their impact on oral health - review
smoking, vapers, oral health, electronic cigarettes, nicotine, nicotine addiction, tobacco, dental caries, periodontits, carcinogenic potentialAbstract
Nowadays, the popularity of e-cigarettes is growing rapidly. Manufacturers of e-cigarettes advertise them as a less harmful option than traditional cigarettes, suggesting that their use can help reduce nicotine dependence and reduce the risk of smoking-related diseases. However, studies indicate that inhaling the chemicals in liquids can carry serious health consequences, particularly concerning the oral cavity Many of these preparations contain substances about whose effects we do not yet know enough, which raises concerns among public health professionals. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of e-cigarettes, including their popularity, the origins of their development, the substances they contain and the impact they have on oral health, which is most at risk from the harmful effects of e-cigarettes.
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