Metabolic and immune accompaniments of electrocardiographic and morphologic gastric mucosa parameters in naїve and stressed rats
acute water-immersion and restraint stress, damage to the ECG and gastric mucosa, immunity, metabolome, relationships, ratsAbstract
Introduction and aim. Earlier, by applying the water-immersion and restraint stress (WIRS) model, we reproduced primary attributes of stress and found that the severity of the damage to the gastric mucosa correlates with changes in ECG parameters, which indicate myocardial dystrophy. Further, it was found that such a connection is caused by the damaging effect on both targets of increasing the level of parathyroid hormone, as well as the production of aldosterone and catecholamines by enlarged adrenal glands. In addition, an increase in the level of corticosterone and sympathetic tone with a simultaneous decrease in vagal tone as well as serum calcitonin and testosterone cause damage to the gastric mucosa, but not to the myocardium. Such a constellation of neuro-endocrine reactions to stressors determines the severity of damage to the gastric mucosa and myocardium by 73%. The purpose of this study is to find out metabolic and immune accompaniments of electrocardiogram and gastric mucosa parameters in naїve and stressed rats.
Material and methods. The experiment is at 18 male and 20 female Wistar rats. Over the 10 days, one animal remained intact and 3 other rats were exposed to WIRS. The next day after stressing, immune and metabolic parameters as well as ECG and gastric mucosa injuries was recorded.
Results. Serum levels of Phosphates, Сatalase and α-LP Cholesterol as well as erythrocyte level of Potassium and Na,K-ATPase activity of the erythrocyte are positively correlated with ECG markers of myocardial damage, and negatively correlated with visual markers of damage to the gastric mucosa. Erythrocyte level of Sodium and serum levels of Potassium and Alkaline Phosphatase reflect the intactness of the gastric mucosa only. While serum level of Calcium reflects damage to the gastric mucosa. Taken together, the listed metabolic factors determine the morpho-functional state of the gastric mucosa and myocardium by 72% (R=0.851). Damage to the gastric mucosa and myocardium is more severe, the lower the bactericidal activity of blood neutrophils, and the greater the mass of the thymus. The spleen mass and the content of fibroblasts in the thymus are negatively correlated only with the severity of damage to the gastric mucosa, while the percentages of reticulocytes and lymphoblasts in the spleen are positively correlated with it. Finally, the higher the percentage of macrophages in the thymus, the deeper the damage to the myocardium. The canonical correlation between the listed immune parameters and markers of the two targets of stressors is very strong (R=0.809).
Conclusion. Water-immersion and restraint stress causes changes in the neuro-endocrine-immune complex, which lead to changes in the metabolome and damage to the gastric mucosa and myocardium.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Oksana Fihura, Mykhaylo Korda, Ivan Klishch, Sofiya Ruzhylo, Oksana Melnyk, Walery Zukow, Roman Yanchij, Alyona Vorobienko, Oleksandr Plyska, Igor Popovych

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