Impact of physical activity on the development of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease, dementia, physical activity, cerebral blood flow, gut-brain axis, irisinAbstract
Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia and is a challenge for the modern world due to the due to aging populations. Researchers are trying their best to understand the mechanisms of onset and find effective ways to treat and prevent this disease. The purpose of the following paper is to present the impact of physical activity in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Numerous studies confirm that regular workouts have a positive reflection in the form of slowing the aging of the brain and alleviation of neuropsychiatric symptoms in affected individuals. During muscle work irisin is produced, which plays an important role in the formation of neurons and exhibits an anti-inflammatory effects. This review also looks at the aspect of maintaining proper composition of the gut microbiota, whose imbalance can promote the process of neuronal inflammation and cognitive dysfunction. Attention is also given to issues of training intensity and the effect of of exercise on blood flow in the brain. All of these elements play an important role in preventing and slowing down neurodegeneration.
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