An examination of Overactive Bladder Syndrome: present comprehension, methods of treatment, and innovative approaches
overactive bladder, urgency urinary incontinence, anticholinergics, mirabegron, nocturiaAbstract
Overactive bladder syndrome poses a major challenge to healthcare, as an accurate estimate of its prevalence proves elusive due to patients' reluctance to disclose the embarrassing symptoms that accompany the disorder. Symptoms such as frequent urination, nocturia and incontinence are not only distressing but also significantly impair patients' quality of life. Effective diagnosis and treatment require the identification of associated risk factors, and behavioural therapy serves as the basis for implementing lifestyle modifications. This comprehensive study delves into the managing of overactive bladder syndrome, shedding light on recent advances in diagnosis and treatment. In particular, it looks at the integration of minimally invasive techniques and new medications that promise to not only alleviate symptoms, but also significantly improve patients' overall quality of life.
Aim of the study
This review aims to identify risk factors, symptoms, methods of diagnosis of overactive bladder syndrome and solutions in its treatment process. The main aim is to present treatment methods with the latest developments.
Material and method
This article presents the current state of knowledge about overactive bladder syndrome in various scientific articles. Publications describing overactive bladder syndrome, its symptoms, impact on life comfort and treatment options, including recent reports in the field, were reviewed using the PubMed platform. The search included the keywords ‘overactive bladder’, ‘urgency urinary incontinence’, ‘anticholinergics’, ‘mirabegron’, ‘nocturia’.
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