Diagnostic value of radiological examination methods in the detection of odontogenic sinusitis
Odontogenic sinusitis, multispiral computed tomography (MCT), cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), orthopantomogram (OPTG), rhinosinusitisAbstract
It is emphasized that odontogenic sinusitis frequency for at least 9–11% of the total number of inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area, and the frequency of their complications ranges from 30% to 50%. Emphasis is placed on the fact that a frequent cause of the development of odontogenic sinusitis is errors in the endodontic treatment of teeth and errors in dental implantation, which is accompanied by the use of tools for processing root canals (root needles, drills, canal fillers, pulp extractors), as well as filling material and an implant behind the apex tooth root into the sinus cavity.
Radiological research methods play a leading role in the diagnosis of odontogenic sinusitis. Traditionally, for the evaluation of paranasal sinuses, radiography in the nasolabial projection, inspection radiographs of the skull in direct and lateral projections are used. The advantages and disadvantages of multispiral computed tomography (MCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) are given separately. For a group of 130 patients, the results of the diagnostic informativeness of radiological examination methods in the detection of odontogenic sinusitis are given.
The obtained results allow to conclude that in all cases computer tomography (MCT or CBCT) made it possible to accurately diagnose the form of the disease, determine the extent of sinus damage, assess the condition of the lower bone wall of the sinus (reveal a violation of its integrity and report a tooth socket with a sinus), to determine the center of inflammation in the periodontium, as well as to detect the presence of foreign bodies in the maxillary sinus. At the same time, MCT and CBCT data were fully compared with each other, surpassed traditional radiological methods in terms of diagnostic informativeness and had such advantages as the absence of superposition, high contrast resolution, and the possibility of obtaining higher-quality image reconstructions in different planes.
The aim of study. To analyze the diagnostic value of radiological examination methods in the detection of odontogenic sinusitis.Material and methods: We examined 130 patients in the period from 2022 to 2023. X-ray examinations were performed on a Planmeca ProMax 3D cone beam computed tomography scanner and MCT.Results: Regarding the data of СBCT, it is possible to specify the localization of the foreign body and its connection with the odontogenic factor with high probability. It is worth noting that these sinusitis belong to the iatrogenic group of diseases.Conclusions: CT methods (MCT or CBCT) are a necessary component of the complex diagnosis of odontogenic sinusitis.
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