The terror of athletes - Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, grafts and moden techniques
ACL, arthroscopy, graft types, ACL reconstruction, reviewAbstract
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a prevalent sports-related injury, constituting nearly half of knee injuries. This narrative review explores the evolution of ACL reconstruction surgeries, emphasizing graft types and their pros and cons.
Current state of knowledge
The ideal ACL graft choice depends on factors like age, lifestyle, and demands. Autografts are the current standard, with the Quadriceps Tendon graft offering similar outcomes and fewer complications. Allografts are a secondary option for older, low-demand patients due to a shorter recovery period. Artificial grafts have limited use, lacking strong evidence for clinical advantages but may be considered for suturing torn ACL stumps and in cases were quick recovery is essential.
Contemporary orthopedic practitioners must possess comprehensive knowledge of various ACL reconstruction graft types to tailor interventions precisely to individual patient requirements. The selection of a graft should be rooted in a profound comprehension of patients' lifestyles, medical histories, and specific demands, thereby mitigating the subjective impact of any associated limitations for the patient.
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