The influence of lipoproteina(a) on cardio-vascular diseases
lipoproteina(a), cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular disease, aortic stenosisAbstract
The current evidence from 2022 published by European Atherosclerosis Society brings the importance of the level of lipoprotein(a) and its influence on the human health. Especially atherosclerotic cardio-vascular events such as myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, atherosclerosis are taken into account. They prove, that the associations between the level of Lp(a) is linear with the occurrence of cardio-vascular events. High level of Lp(a), may contribute to the aortic stenosis, cause has pro-inflammatory and pro-atherosclerotic properties. The newest finding demonstrate that Lp(a) has no link with venous thrombosis. Nonetheless, very low level of may contribute with type 2 diabetes.
It is recommended to measure the level of lipoprotein(a) at least once in adults to search the patients with higher value than norm. Even at low level of LDL, high Lp(a) is a risk factor for ASCVD. It brings the clinical importance of early detection of potential cardio-vascular diseases and introduction of management. The newest statement form EAS also brings promising possibilities due to specific Lp(a)-lowering therapies is in phase II/III trials.
Aim of the study
The following paper aims to present a review of the current knowledge about the influence of the level of Lp(a) on cardio-vascular disease and seeks to enhance knowledge and promote effective management of this prevalent condition.
The primary goal is to promote the current problem to health care workers with up-to-date information to facilitate early recognition of cardiovascular events.
Materials and methods
This article presents the current state of knowledge of lipoprotein(a) found in various scientific articles.
The following English keywords and its Polish equivalents were used to search Google Scholar's medical databases: lipoprotein(a), cardio-vascular disease, cardiovascular risk, aortic stenosis. The articles most pertinent to the subject have been chosen.
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