The relationship between magnesium deficiency and anxiety, the therapeutic effects of magnesium supplementation – literature review
magnesium, deficiency, anxiety, supplementationAbstract
Introduction and purpose: The main aim of our study is to summarise existing knowledge and draw conclusions about the impact of magnesium deficiency on the occurrence of anxiety.
Methodology: The literature available in the National Library of Medicine database at and Google Scholar was reviewed. Articles were searched by using keywords: magnesium, deficiency, supplementation, anxiety disorders. Forty-seven research papers and meta-analyses were analysed.
Description of the state of knowledge: Magnesium is an extremely important mineral in the human body involved in many physiological processes. A deficiency of this element affects the whole body and can cause mental disorders - including anxiety disorders. There are many theories showing a link between magnesium and anxiety disorders in both humans and animals. Magnesium has been shown to influence the function of neurotransmitters affecting the experience of anxiety. Supplementation in people with hypomagnesaemia has been proven to improve their health and well-being. However, it should be noted that supplements on the market vary in the bioavailability of the mineral, and the frequency of intake and dosage also affect the bioavailability of magnesium.
Conclusions: It is important to ensure adequate levels of magnesium in the diet, given its impact on the proper functioning of the human body (including the nervous system) and the fact that most people consume insufficient amounts of this macronutrient. Evidence of a link between magnesium levels and anxiety has led to increased interest in the potential efficacy of magnesium supplementation to alleviate anxiety symptoms.
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