The development of the infrastructure of outpatient-polyclinic institutions that provide cardiological aid and factors of their success
infrastructure of outpatient polyclinic institutions, cardiac care, infrastructure, public-private partnershipAbstract
The purpose. To identify the key success factors in the development of the infrastructure of outpatient polyclinic institutions (OPPIs) that provide cardiac care. The conditions of their development based on the principles of public-private partnership (PPP) are taken into account. Materials and methods. The research was conducted according to the program based on general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation of scientific data, as well as systemic and structural-functional approaches. Results. Significant problems in OPPIs that provide cardiac care infrastructure organization and management were identified. The data obtained showed the need to take measures for financing, organization of a high-tech production process, implementation of modern economic mechanisms in their work are necessary. This determined the search of mechanisms for the joint functioning of the state and business, the development of PPP in health care. The main mechanisms of PPP functioning were highlighted, namely organizational-legal, financial-investment, technical-organizational aspects. The benefits of cooperation for the state and the private partner are determined. A conceptual model of the key factors for achieving success in the development of OPPIs infrastructure based on PPP principles has been developed. Their role in the activities of OPPIs is indicated. Conclusions. The model of key factors for achieving success in the modernization of OPPIs infrastructure proposed in the article is a promising direction in the development of medical establishments that provide cardiac care. PPP is a promising direction in the development of the infrastructure of health care institutions in Ukraine.
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