The impact of aesthetic medicine procedures on patient comfort in life, physical activity and mental health
life comfort, aesthetic medicine, mental health, self esteemAbstract
Aesthetic medicine procedures significantly affect the comfort of patient's lives, their amount of physical activity and mental health. Today, medicine serves not only to eliminate the consequences of diseases or their prevention, but also aesthetic considerations, which are directly related to the quality of life in general.
The purpose of this review is to present the current state of knowledge on the impact of aesthetic medicine procedures on the comfort of patients' lives.
Literature was searched in PubMed and Google Scholarship databases. Publicly available books were searched.
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Patients’s quality of life and mental health significantly increase after aesthetic medicine procedures.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aleksandra Karwańska, Aleksandra Kulbat, Kamila Matyka, Izabela Uniłowska, Ewa Kojder, Arsen Dolenha, Yuliia Dovzhuk, Justyna Ochał, Anna Ferschke, Aleksandra Szymczyk

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