Immuno-histochemical features of the collagen synthesis of foetuses' ovarian from the mothers with pregnancy complications
fetus, pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, infection, ovaryAbstract
Kupriianova Larisa. Immuno-histochemical features of the collagen synthesis of foetuses' ovarian from the mothers with pregnancy complications. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(12):929-940. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI
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Received: 05.12.2016. Revised 20.12.2016. Accepted: 25.12.2016.
UDK: 618.11-053.18-
Immuno-histochemical features of the collagen synthesis
of foetuses' ovarian from the mothers
with pregnancy complications
Larisa Kupriianova
Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkov, Ukraine
As a material of our research, we took into account foetuses' ovarian at the gestation term from 21 to 42 weeks; and, as a result, all types of material we divided into few groups: foetuses from healthy mothers; foetuses from mothers with pre-eclampsia complications of pregnancy of different stages; foetuses from mothers with pregnancy's complications as a chronical infection. Research methods: organomethrical, histological, immuno-histochemical, morphometrical, statistical. As a result of the complex research, in foetuses' ovarian from mothers with pregnancy complications of different types, we can see reducing of indicators of structural and functional activity of organs, increasing of collagen type I and III production; decreasing of collagen type IV production.
Key words: fetus, pregnancy, pre-eclampsia; infection, ovary.
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