The state of the vegetative regulation of drivers of the passenger electric depending on the experience of professional activity
drivers of passenger transport, professional adaptation, vegetative regulation, heart rate variability, stress hormonesAbstract
Gorsha V. I., Gozhenko A. I., Gorsha O. V. The state of the vegetative regulation of drivers of the passenger electric depending on the experience of professional activity. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(10):821-831. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI
The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).
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Received: 02.09.2016. Revised 24.09.2016. Accepted: 30.10.2016.
UDК 616 — 092.11: 656.02 – 092
The state of the vegetative regulation of drivers of the passenger electric depending on the experience of professional activity
V. I. Gorsha, A. I. Gozhenko, O. V. Gorsha
Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Medicine of Transport of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Odessa,
The aim of the research was to study the state of autonomic regulation of persons with a high level of professional and emotional load that is to say about drivers of the passenger electric transport depending on the experience of professional activity. The state of vegetative regulation was defined according to the heart rate variability (method of cardiointervalography), activity and biorhythmic of stress hormones – cortisol and catecholamines. The state of vegetative regulation of the mechanisms of adaptation for the drivers of passenger electric transport begins to change after 5 years of work as activation of the parasympathetic section of vegetative regulation and independent contour of control. The hormonal link of the regulation of the mechanisms of adaptation for the drivers of the passenger electric transport also depended on the experience of their work, which appeared of the different activity and biological rhythm of the stress hormones -cortisol and catecholamines.
Key words: drivers of passenger transport, professional adaptation, vegetative regulation, heart rate variability, stress hormones.
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