The condition of the leukocyte section of cellular mechanisms of adaptation under the influence of emotional load for operators of passenger electric transport due to the professional activities
the drivers of passenger electric transport, emotional load, cellular mechanisms of adaptationAbstract
Gorsha V. I. The condition of the leukocyte section of cellular mechanisms of adaptation under the influence of emotional load for operators of passenger electric transport due to the professional activities. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(11):741-748. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI
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Received: 02.11.2016. Revised 22.11.2016. Accepted: 30.11.2016.
The condition of the leukocyte section of cellular mechanisms of adaptation under the influence of emotional load for operators of passenger electric transport due
to the professional activities
V. I. Gorsha
Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
A total of 114 drivers of passenger electric transport and 27 people who didn’t have the high level emotional load due to the professional activities were examined. According to the blood leukogram of drivers was identified more lower levels of leukocytes and higher levels of eosinophils comparing with the control group (respectively - p = 0.00937 and p = 0.04149). Registered changes are evidence of the reduction of cellular immune defenses mechanisms and allergic activation for the drivers of passenger electric transport. The general condition of adaptation for cellular reactions was much worse for the passengers drivers of electric transport unlike the employees without emotional load, that determined of a significant increases of the failures state of compensation mechanisms and reducing of adaptation - 38.6% (for employees without emotional load - 7.4%) and the same reducing of conditions satisfactory adaptation - 61.4% (for employees without emotional burden - 92.6%)
Key words: the drivers of passenger electric transport, emotional load, cellular mechanisms of adaptation.
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