Analysis of the mature milk composition of women giving birth prematurely and on time
breast milk analysis, breastfeeding, preterm milk, mature milkAbstract
Introduction: The composition of breast milk is not consistent; its variability is determined by the nutritional needs of the baby: duration of pregnancy, phases of a single feeding, lactation period, variability of fat concentration.
The aim: To assess the energy and essential nutrients content in mature milk from mothers delivering preterm and full-term infants.
Material and methods: 75 women participated in the study, at 4 weeks postpartum. The study sample was divided into three groups according to the duration of pregnancy: G1>=32 weeks of pregnancy, G2) 33-36 weeks of pregnancy, G3) <=37 weeks of pregnancy. The analysis of breast milk composition was performed with the Miris Human Milk Analysis analyser.
Results: The pregnancy duration of a sample of women participating in the study does not differentiate the nutritional composition and energy content in breast milk (p>0.05) analysed in the fourth week of lactation.
Conclusions: The assessment of the milk from women who gave birth on time and prematurely showed no significant differences in protein, fats, carbohydrates and energy content considering the same stage of lactation. However, it should be emphasised that not only is human milk considered to be a nutrient but also functional food. Due to the content of enzymes, hormones and growth factors, breast milk has a protective function. It is a part of treatment for premature babies. Nevertheless, the results of our study indicate the need for further research measuring the macronutrients of human milk in order to individualize more the nutritional approach for a particularly demanding group of newborns, which may help optimize their growth and development.
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