A brand new medical condition - 6 years old patient with neurological symptoms diagnosed with PIMS-TS (Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome – Temporally Associated with SARS-CoV-2) - case report
Children's multi-system inflammatory syndrome PIMS-TS is a completely new challenge for pediatricians, which has established a separate branch of the fight against the still active COVID-19 pandemic. It turns out that even a pediatric patient who has not suffered symptomatic infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as a result of contact with this pathogen, can develop a severe systemic inflammatory reaction rich in symptoms originating in almost every system of the human body. The first reports of the inflammatory syndrome that is the subject of this work come from May 2020. It is known that the symptoms of PIMS are caused by a multi-system inflammatory response in the body, potentially related to the immune system. The course of this disease may bring to mind other inflammatory diseases in children, such as Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndrome and MAS macrophage activation syndrome.
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