There’s nothing better (yet?) for improving evidence-based practice than knowledge translation
knowledge translation,, evidence-based medicine, evidence-based public health, evidence-based practiceAbstract
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control entered into force 55 years after the first publication on relationship between smoking and lung cancer. The need to increase use of evidence into practice is widely emphasized.
Purpose. Presentation of the knowledge translation process and discussion of the basis on which this concept was created.
The state of knowledge. The concept of knowledge translation was created at the beginning of the 21st century in response to problems related to the production and dissemination of scientific evidence, including the so-called the know-do gap. These problems constitute a significant barrier to adherence to the principles of evidence-based medicine and practice. The translation of knowledge is seen as an operationalization of the above principles and a shortening of the path from evidence to effect. There are many approaches to knowledge translation, and there are problems and limitations in evaluating this process. This can cause confusion amongst stakeholders in the health system.
Conclusions. Knowledge translation is a developmental and increasingly popular concept. There is no (yet?) better tool to improve evidence-based practice, both in medicine and public health than knowledge translation. The issue of knowledge translation should be disseminated in literature, tested in research, raised in discourse and implemented in health professionals education in Poland.
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