Family medicine in rural areas - perspectives and development opportunities
family medicine, rural areas, open treatment, adipose tissue, Primary HealthcareAbstract
Access to health care should be universal and equal regardless of health needs, socio-economic status and place of residence. Empirical research confirms, however, that there are differences in access to health care between people in urban and rural areas. The main challenges for the health care system in rural areas are staff shortages, greater distance from large hospitals, difficult access to specialist and preventive services, and lower effectiveness of emergency care.
The aim of the study was to analyze practical solutions to improve the organization of care in POZ, taking into account the principles of coordinated care in rural areas.
As part of this study, an attempt was made to present practical solutions that may help to improve the organization of care in primary health care in rural areas. It is worth emphasizing once again that effective and efficient care for the population must be consistent with the concept of care coordination. In addition, the work shows how important from the perspective of the development of medicine in rural areas can be the inclusion of teamwork, financial motivators, including the so-called 'Rural addition' and the impact of modern technologies based on self-care and remote monitoring of patients' health.
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