Hallux valgus treatment and new methods
hallux valgus angleAbstract
Introduction: Hallux valgus is a common disease more common in women In this article, we reviewed the epidemiology, symptoms, and various surgical techniques for the treatment of hallux valgus
Material and methods: The work was based on medical articles collected in PubMed, websites and medical books. The research was conducted by looking at keywords such as: "hallux treatment", "hallux disease"
Results: There are many methods of treating hallux valgus, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical treatment.
Conclusions: The interdisciplinary approach to the patient and innovative surgical techniques can provide us with many new solutions in the treatment of the disease.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bartlomiej Wojcik, Mateusz Fabiś, Karolina Zadrożna, Anna Małek, Klara Iwaniszyn-Zapołoch, Klaudia Remjasz, Jakub Aleksandrowicz, Wojciech Siedlecki

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