Plant Based Diets and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
type 2 diabetes, plant based diet, vegetarian dietAbstract
Introduction: The prevalence of diabetes in the world continues to increase. Most cases of type 2 diabetes are caused by modifiable risk factors, including unhealthy diets based on meat and processed products, low physical activity, overweight and obesity. Research suggests that plant-based diets have shown significant weight reduction benefits compared to non-plant-based diets and improve glycemic control to a greater extent than conventional diabetic diets.
The aim of the study: assessment of the frequency of developing diabetes t.2 in people eating various types of vegetarian diets compared to people whose diet contains animal products.
Material and methods: Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in the PubMed and Google Scholar database was carried out using the following keywords: plant based diet, vegetarian diet, type 2 diabetes.
Description of the state of knowledge: Food products such as red meat, especially processed meat, are one of the most important risk factors for metabolic disorders, including diabetes. A healthy and properly balanced plant-based diet can positively affect the carbohydrate metabolism. Due to the high fiber content, this diet has a low energy density. It also contains flavonoids and a high amount of antioxidants beneficial to human health.
Summary: Properly balanced vegetarian diets lower the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Plant-based diets range from vegan, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, peso-vegetarian, and semi-vegetarian diets. Different types of diets show differences in therapeutic effects. The most important factor connecting these different diets is the focusing on whole grains, vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, and limiting consumption of saturated and trans fats.
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