An innovative approach for better understanding of milk allergy
cow's milk allergy, molecular diagnostics of allergies, milk ladderAbstract
Introduction: Cow’s milk and its products are popular components of the diet all over the world. Proteins contained in it, such as casein (Bos d 8), α-lactalbumin (Bos d 4), β-lactoglobulin (Bos d 5) and bovine serum albumin (Bos d 6, BSA), can cause troublesome symptoms. Among the proteins mentioned, casein is the most frequent cause of all milk allergies. It is worth mentioning that it is a protein that does not change its properties after thermal and enzymatic treatment. Therefore, casein allergic patients must avoid dairy products in even trace amounts.
Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to present the benefits of molecular diagnostics of allergy in cow’s milk allergy.
Description of the state of knowledge: In order to diagnose milk allergy, a medical examination should take place with a clinician who will determine the further steps of diagnosis based on the medical interview. For a complete allergy analysis, molecular diagnostics tests can be used to determine which protein the patient is sensitised to. Such an individual patient’s allergy profile is helpful in developing an appropriate diet.
Summary: Molecular diagnosis in cow's milk allergy allows to estimate the risk of severe reactions after contact with a specific allergen. On its basis, it is also possible to predict the result of a cow's milk allergen provocation test. By using molecular diagnosis of allergy, it is possible to manage better and control cow's milk allergy in patients.
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