Cognitive and psychomotor performance of Polish and Ukrainian drivers
driver, transport psychology, cognitive functions, psychomotor performance, cultural differencesAbstract
Introduction. Recent years have seen a dynamic increase in people from eastern countries employed in Polish road transport.
The aim of the study was to compare the cognitive and psychomotor performance of Polish and Ukrainian drivers.
Material and Methods. The results of 336 male truck drivers aged between 22 and 64 years were analysed. There were 174 respondents in the Polish sample (M = 38.6 years; SD = 10.3) and 162 respondents in the Ukrainian sample (M = 36.8 years; SD = 8.3). The level of intellectual performance was assessed using the Raven's Matrix Test (TMS) and the Precision of Movement and Quick Thinking (PIM) Index. Psychomotor performance was verified using computer tests belonging to the SDP System.
Results. Ukrainian drivers, compared to Polish drivers, were characterised by analogous results in terms of cognitive processes and psychomotor performance. The mean scores of the Raven's test, PIM index and also coordination tests were comparable in both groups. A strong positive correlation was found between TMS and PIM.
Conclusions. 1. Drivers from Ukraine and Poland have similar intellectual and psychomotor abilities. 2. The PIM index correlates strongly positively with TMS and can be a reliable tool in intelligence screening. 3. The presented methods of the SDP System are not culturally loaded. Standardised scales addressed to the Polish driver population should be used to assess these areas in Ukrainian subjects.
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