What impact do the current anti-vaccine movementsand the Covid-19 pandemic have on the vaccination coverage of Poles? Statistical analysis of epidemiological data on the level of vaccination of Poles in the years 2001-2020
vaccinations, anti-vaccine movements, vaccination level, Covid-19Abstract
Vaccine-preventable diseases are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. As new vaccines prove effective and the incidence of some infections decreases, vaccination practices are changing. Therefore, every year in Poland, the need for preventive vaccination on given pathogenic entities in the population is verified and analyzed. Every year, the Chief Sanitary Inspector issues a communication pursuant to Article 17(11) of the Act of 5 December 2008 on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1845, as amended(1)) and announces the Preventive Vaccination Program for a given calendar year. The communication contains mandatory and recommended vaccinations, rules for carrying out vaccinations and general information on this principle of carrying out and organizing vaccination. Most vaccine-preventable diseases still carry a significant risk of recurrence and epidemics in the coming years.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kinga Ruszel, Robert Dubel, Aleksandra Czekaj, Natalia Namroży, Julia Dubel, Halina Piecewicz-Szczęsna
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