Coexistence of mental and somatic diseases and difficulties in diagnosis and working with mentally ill people
mental disorders, depression, schizophrenia, feeding and eating disorders, anxiety disordersAbstract
Introduction and purpose:
The co-occurrence of mental illness and somatic diseases is a relationship confirmed by researchers in the fields of clinical medicine, health psychology or neuroscience. This article aims to present and discuss the interrelationship between mental and somatic diseases and to present issues related to the process of diagnosis.
State of knowledge (brief description):
Depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders and anxiety disorders are mental illnesses cited among researchers on the basis of studies as particularly prone to somatic comorbidities. Among somatic diseases, on the other hand, cancer is cited as the most frequently implicated in psychiatric comorbidity. However, this is not a clear-cut problem, as the impact of somatic and mental illnesses on each other can be bidirectional. Diagnosis of these requires a physician to have a great deal of factual knowledge and great vigilance in conducting an interview that may be conducted not only with the patient, but also with his family or environment.
Working with people who are both mentally and somatically ill is a job that requires knowledge that combines both disciplines. Data indicate that 20-35% of patients with chronic somatic disease also have an additional psychiatric diagnosis; somatization of mental problems is a common phenomenon in outpatient treatment.
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