Weightness of girls aged 10-12 from the lubelskie and podlaskie voivodship in the years 2006-2016–2021
secular trend, body height, underweight, girlsAbstract
Introduction The nutritional status of children and adolescents is widely commented on. On the one hand. the number of people with excess body weight is growing. and on the other hand. the problem of malnutrition is becoming more and more visible. The aim of the study was to determine the fifteen-year changes in body height and BMI. including the frequency of underweight in girls living in towns and villages of the Lubelskie and Podlaskie voivodships. Material and methods For this study. the results of 7759 girls aged 10-12 were used. Information on the date of birth and the environmental conditions in which the respondents grew up was collected using the survey method. Body height and weight were measured. On their basis. BMI was calculated. In the groups of calendar age. the arithmetic means and standard deviation for body height and BMI were calculated at individual test dates. The statistical significance of differences between the teams was verified by the Anova analysis of variance and the Newmann-Keuls test. Results In the analyzed period. a significant increase in body height and BMI was found in girls. Higher values of the secular trend of body height were found in female urban dwellers compared to rural girls. The percentage of underweight in 2006 and 2016 was similar for girls from different backgrounds. However. in 2021 it was higher for female residents of the village. Conclusion The obtained results indicate the necessity to conduct systematic studies to assess the nutritional status of adolescents.
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