Mental resilience and professional burnout among teachers
burnout, resilience, psychological flexibility, teacher, psychoeducationAbstract
The article attempts to present the relationship between psychological resilience
and professional burnout of primary, secondary and university teachers. The first part introduces the issues of mental resilience and occupational burnout. The study used
the Resilience Assessment Questionnaire (KOP-26) and the LBQ Questionnaire assessing
the level of occupational burnout. The rest of the article presents the results of research in the area of the relationship between mental resilience and its components (personal competences, family relations and social competences) and the burnout syndrome. The teachers showed significant differences in terms of the level of mental resilience and differed in the degree
of occupational burnout. A strong correlation was found between mental resilience and teacher burnout. There was no higher degree of burnout among teachers at lower stages of education. University teachers were characterized by a slightly higher degree of occupational burnout. Moreover, it has been shown that family support has a significant relationship in reducing occupational burnout. The conclusions indicate the need to introduce the prevention of burnout among teachers through psychoeducation in the field of skills that make up individual elements
of mental resilience and a separate deepening of research among teachers at each level
of education.
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