Immunohistochemical features of the uterus structure in case of fetuses with a gestational term of 29-36 weeks from mothers with the chronic infection of the lower genital tracts
pregnancy, fetus, uterus, chronic infection, lower genital tractsAbstract
In the following article we present results of the research on the uterus’ wall structure in case of fetuses from mothers, whose pregnancy was complicated by the chronic infection of the lower genital tracts (HILGT), comparing to one in case of fetuses from healthy mothers. The main aim of our research was to disclose immunohistochemical features of the uterus’ wall sructure in case of fetuses with a gestational term of 29-36 weeks. The research methods: macroscopic, organometric, histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric, statistical. All fetuses have died intranatally as a result of an acute violation of utero-placental or placenta-fetal circulation.
The organometric research has revealed a fact of decrease of the following indexes: namely, the ones of weight, length and thickness of the uterus’ wall in case of fetuses from mothers with a complicated pregnancy. Moreover, the decrease of the thickness’ index is primarily connected with a fact of thinning of the endometrium as a strucutral component of the wall. Staining by picrofuxin according to Van-Gieson has revealed an increase growth of the connective tissue both in endometrium and in myometrium of the uterus wall in case of fetuses from the main group. Moreover, in the muscular component, as a result of the aforementioned phenomenon, we can notice a violation or even in some places a complete lack of the structural organization of muscular fibers. The immunohistochemical research has revealed an increase of an apoptotic index in the endometrium of fetal organs of mothers with a compicated pregnancy comparing to indexes in case of fetuses from healthy mothers, which also contributes to the thinning of the layer as well as atrophic changes in it. In addition, in the strucutre of the connective tissue of the uterus of fetuses from the group of comparison the collagen of the I type prevails, while in case of fetuses from the main group the collagen of the III group prevails. Alongside with aforementioned features in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT we can emphasize an increased glow of the endotheline-1 in vessels both of arterial and venous types.
All changes in the connective tissue structure in the uterus of fetuses from mothers with a complicated pregnancy, that were described above, could contribute to the violation of the organ’s maturing as well as stabilization of its functional activity in the future life. The increased endotheline producing leads to the violaton of the blood supply, as well as could enhance collagenogenesis. The prevalence of the collagen of the III type in a structure of the connective tissue is a manifestation of the chronic hipoxia, under the condition of which the organogenesis of fetuses takes place in case of this pathology as well as leads to the violation of the spatial organization of the uterus’ main structural components. All features of the uterus wall structure in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT, that have been established above, are prescribed by the chronic hipoxia and replication of the viral agents in the embryonic tissues as well as it could lead to make an implantation and pregnancy more difficult, likewise it could be a reason of development of pregnancy weakness in the following ontogenesis.
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