Osborn wave in ECG in elderly patient with so-called urban hypothermia
electrocardiography, hypothermia, Osborn wave.Abstract
Kiciński Paweł, Szymańska Monika, Niedziałek Jarosław, Lis Beata, Prystupa Andrzej. Osborn wave in ECG in elderly patient with so-called urban hypothermia. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(8):206-209. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.60084
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Received: 15.07.2016. Revised 25.07.2016. Accepted: 12.08.2016.
Osborn wave in ECG in elderly patient with so-called urban hypothermia
Paweł Kiciński1, Monika Szymańska2, Jarosław Niedziałek2, Beata Lis3, Andrzej Prystupa3
1Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
2Individual Medical Practice, Lublin, Poland
3Department of Internal Diseases, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
The Osborn wave is a characteristic twisting at the termination of the QRS complex visible at the J point. Its presence is most commonly associated with hypothermia, electrolyte imbalance, primary cardiac disorders or CNS pathologies. A case of a 78-year–old male with Osborne wave caused by deep hypothermia is presented.
Key words: electrocardiography, hypothermia, Osborn wave.
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