Risk factors for venous thrombosis in patients with endoprosthetics of hip joints
thromboembolism, endoprosthetics, dysplasiaAbstract
Background. Important part of orthopaedic surgery is endoprosthetics of hip joints, which eliminates pain syndrome, restores the amplitude of movements and the support ability of the lower limb. But there is a number of complications; venous thromboembolism among them occupies a leading place.
Material and methods. 219 patients with a mean age of 64.7 ± 3.8 years were operated. In 137 (62.1%) observations, total cement hip replacement was performed for osteoarthritis. 82 (37.4%) patients received total and unipolar cement hip replacement for cervical femoral neck fractures.
Results. Clinical manifestations of non-specific connective tissue dysplasia were detected in 83 (37.9%) patients, which were confirmed by the laboratory determination of the level of general, bound and free oxyproline. In the postoperative period, the thrombotic process in the venous system of the inferior vena cava was diagnosed in 23 (10.5%) observations. Operative intervention on the hip joint in patients with nonspecific dysplasia of connective tissue in 11 (13.3%) cases was complicated by the development of venous thrombosis. In patients without non-specific connective tissue dysplasia, postoperative thrombosis in the system of the inferior vena cava was diagnosed in 12 (8.8%) observations.
Conclusions. Patients with osteoarthrosis of the hip joint and the femoral neck fracture accompanied by the non-specific dysplasia of the connective tissue are characterized by expressed levels of endothelial dysfunction and increased activity of the blood-coagulation system.
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