Effectiveness of a program of the comprehensive correction of foot arch disorders in young athletes aged 7-8 years specialised in taekwon-Do I.T.F.
taekwon-do, juniors, foot arch disordersAbstract
Introduction. A number of scientists have proven the positive effect of taekwon-Do I.T.F. on the physical state of people of all ages, the state of their musculoskeletal system. However, in the scientific literature there is no data on the effectiveness of taekwon-Do I.T.F. use in the programs of correction of foot arch (FA) disorders of young athletes. Similarly, no studies have been conducted on the effect of taekwon-Do I.T.F. exercises on the development of myofacsical kinematic chain (MFKC) of the lower limb and its role in the foot maintenance and correction in foot arch disorders. The purpose is to experimentally test the effectiveness of a comprehensive program for the foot arch disorders correction of young athletes by means of taekwon-Do I.T.F. Material and method. The following instrumental methods were used in the work: plantography (baropodograph using computer device “DIERS FAAMUS” (Germany)); electroneuromyography ("Neuro-EMG-Micro" made by "Neurosoft" (Russia)); photometry; myotonometry; formative consistent pedagogical experiment; methods of statistical data processing (Statistics 6.0 (StatSoft, USA)). Young athletes aged 7–8 with FA disorders and a normal foot took part in a 12-month formative experiment. Results. The value of the Friedland index, which characterizes the functional foot reserves, increased statistically significantly among EG1 young athletes who practiced according to the program developed by us, compared with those who were training according to the traditional program – by 6.48% against 3.85%, respectively. Conclusions. Analysis of FA morphological parameters of young athletes aged 7-8 years shows that the positive changes are statistically significantly more performed in young athletes who were training in the sports center "Taekwon-Do I.T.F." on a program of comprehensive correction, which is confirmed by FA changes.
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