Comparison of the physical fitness of karate and taekwondo elite athletes
Comparison, physical fitness, taekwondo, karateAbstract
Introduction. A coach compiles and determines a training program based on the physical fitness profile of the athlete. Central Sulawesi taekwondo and karate athletes have been undergoing independent training since mid-2020.
Objective of the study. This study aims to investigate the comparison in physical fitness of elite athletes in taekwondo and karate
Research methods. This study uses a causal-comparative method, where the researcher seeks to determine the cause or effect of the differences that occur between groups. The sample of this research is 20 elite athletes. Evaluation of physical abilities or physical fitness is an instrument used to measure the physical fitness of taekwondo and karate athletes. An independent sample t-test was used for comparison of independent samples.
Research result and Conclusion. The results and conclusions of the study indicate that descriptively the speed, endurance of abdominal muscle strength, and endurance of thigh muscle strength, agility, flexibility, leg reaction speed, and cardiovascular endurance of taekwondo athletes are higher than karate athletes, while for leg muscle strength and breathing karate athletes are higher than taekwondo athletes. Sig value. (2 tailed) or p-value <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the variable components of physical fitness, abdominal muscle strength, agility, flexibility in leg reaction speed, and cardiovascular endurance between taekwondo athletes and karate athletes. Whereas in the variable components of physical fitness, speed, endurance, thigh muscle strength, and leg and respiratory muscle strength, there were no significant differences between taekwondo athletes and karate.
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