The process of physiotherapy in patients treated for colorectal cancer
disability, oncology, rehabilitationAbstract
Breast cancer is a global problem, causes many deaths worldwide, and the emergence of disability resulting from treatment.
Physiotherapy is a 24/7 process. It is very often limited to just a few minutes of exercise a day, which is not enough.
The aim of the work is to propose physiotherapeutic treatment in women after radical mastectomy and to present diagnostic problems caused by SARS-CoV-2 pandemics, which negatively affect cancer prevention.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Agnieszka Filarecka, Maciej Biernacki, Michał Jęchorek, Łukasz Leksowski, Michał Małek, Robert Tysowski, Karolina Molek, Magdalena Tysowska, Karolina Szymura

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