The programme of comprehensive rehabilitation after LUMIC post-resection with the reconstruction of a proximal part of femur with MUTARS system resulting from the treatment of pelvis chondrosarcoma
therapy, alloplastic, chondrosarcomaAbstract
Introduction: Malignant neoplasms of bone originating from the supporting tissues of the body of mesinchymal origin are heterogeneous in clinical and histological terms. In most cases, the etiology of these tumors is unknown. Histologically, sarcomas are classified into three main types. Chondrosarcoma (31% of sarcomas), osteosarcoma - originating from bone tissue (also accounts for 31% of sarcomas), Ewing sarcoma - originating from neuroectodermal tissue (accounts for 14% of sarcomas). The aim of this study was to present a program of comprehensive rehabilitation after LUMIC resection arthroplasty with reconstruction of the proximal part of the femur using the Mutars system as a result of pelvic chondrosarcoma treatment.
Materials and methods: The paper describes a case of a patient diagnosed with left pelvic chondrosarcoma with a pathological fracture and destruction of the left hip joint.
Results: In the rehabilitation program, both inpatient and outpatient, many methods of therapy have been used in order to restore the patient to the highest possible fitness as quickly as possible. The therapy was based on such exercises and methods as: PNF method, methods of visceral therapy, active exercises and methods of osteopathy.
Conclusion: Rehabilitation is an indispensable element of the treatment of cancer patients. The introduction of modern techniques, such as manual therapy and osteopathy to rehabilitation, has a positive effect on the effectiveness of therapy.
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