Control psychophysical children’s development under the correction movement disorder
Bobath method, Munich diagnosis, psychomotor development, preschool children, motor disorders.Abstract
Bukhovets B. O. Control psychophysical children’s development under the correction movement disorder. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(2):200-210. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI
The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).
755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7
© The Author (s) 2016;
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Received: 05.01.2016. Revised 12.02.2016. Accepted: 21.02.2016.
UDK 612.8+616-009+376
Bukhovets B. O.
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University n.a. K. D. Ushinsky, Odessa, Ukraine
This article deals with the problem of determining the effectiveness of the method Bobath, as the main methods of psychophysical condition correction of children with movement disorders.
Given the drawbacks of the proposed test detailed rating scale of psychomotor development of children "Map test of motor abilities of children" was adapted and implemented together with the Munich diagnostic testing cards of mental skills and motor abilities of children.
The basis of the experiment became the evaluation of basic motor skills in certain positions and determine the true psychophysical age at the beginning and at the end of the course on corrective exercises by Bobath method.
Considering the universality, accessibility of data and informative test quality it became possible to assess the stages of psychomotor development and mental qualities forming with the true definition of real psychophysical children age with movement disorders 3-4 years.
Key words: Bobath method, Munich diagnosis, psychomotor development, preschool children, motor disorders.
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