Quality of life of patients with cervicogenic headaches = Jakość życia pacjentów z bólem głowy pochodzenia szyjnego
quality of life, QoL, WHOQOL-bref, cervicogenic headaches.Abstract
Kocjan Janusz. Quality of life of patients with cervicogenic headaches = Jakość życia pacjentów z bólem głowy pochodzenia szyjnego. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(1):138-146. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.45134
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Received: 15.12.2015. Revised 12.01.2016. Accepted: 20.01.2016.
Jakość życia pacjentów z bólem głowy pochodzenia szyjnego
Janusz Kocjan
Medical University of Silesia, School of Medicine, Katowice, Poland
Introduction: Although the quality of life has been investigated in a numerous of previous studies, still is little known about this topic among patients with cervicogenic headache diagnosis.
Aim of the study: To assess QoL in CGH group and to explore the relationship of QoL to selected demographic and medical variables.
Material and methods: A total of 47 patients with cervicogenic headache were examined. On average, participants were 47,21 years old and 55,3% was female. To evaluate a quality of life the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used.
Results: Means and standard deviations in each domain were as follows: DOM1=10,04±3,07; DOM2=14,49±2,88; DOM3=16,59±3,12; DOM4=15,80±2,85. The highest mean values were noted in following items: Q25 (transport; M=4,46), Q11 (body appearance; M=4,33) and Q13 (vailability of information; M=4,31). The lowest scores concerned Q3 (pain; M=1,86), Q4 (dependence on medical treatment; M=1,94) and Q10 (energy; M=2,07). Differences in QoL due to age, sex and selected medical variables were observed. Relationship of QoL to education level, marital status and local residence were also found.
Conclusions: The present study supports the hypothesis that quality of life impairment is likely to be present in clinical samples of CGH and is directly associated with duration time of CGH and number of CGH incidence during day.
Keywords: quality of life, QoL, WHOQOL-BREF, cervicogenic headaches.
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