Stress in the teaching profession
stress, teacher, teaching profession, occupational burnout.Abstract
Wengel-Woźny Karina, Szefczyk-Polowczyk Lucyna, Zygmunt Agata. Stress in the teaching profession. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(6):191-210. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.18491
Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011 – 2014
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Received: 21.04.2015. Revised 28.05.2015. Accepted: 10.06.2015.
Karina Wengel-Woźny1, Lucyna Szefczyk-Polowczyk2, Agata Zygmunt3
Medical University of Silesia
1Doctoral Studies, School of Health Sciences in Katowice
2Doctoral Studies, School of Farmacy with the Devision of Laboratory Medicine in Sosnowiec
3Doctoral Studies, School of Medicine in Katowice
Adres do korespondencji: Łowoszów, 46-300 ,ul. Krzywa 16
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Introduction. Teaching profession dates back to ancient times, when formulation of an ideal of a man with comprehensively developed personality was primarily based on such values as wisdom and knowledge. The profession of a teacher/master was influenced by many factors and underwent numerous transformations over the centuries. Aim. The aim is to assess the impact of stress and burnout at work and functioning of the teachers. Material and methods. The survey was conducted using a proprietary questionnaire consisting of 21 questions, in which the respondent select one of the following answers. The study assured full anonymity. The survey was conducted among a group of randomly selected teacher of primary, middle and secondary schools operating in the province of Opole. Results. As a result of conducted research it appeared that 54% of respondents many times a week feel stress related to their work. There are 28% of surveyed to sense nervous tension due to their professional occupation. 10% among them admit to experience this kind of stress up to twice a week whereas 8% of them tend to feel stressed once a week or less often. Conclusions. It is obvious that stress cannot be totally eliminated out of teacher profession. However we can reduce its size by applying a number of tools. These can be following: Implementation of educational programs dedicated for teachers- programs which aim at minimizing consequences of stress on teacher’s health and life as well as on their environment. Organizing of workshops of “coping with stress” and with difficult situations; education of behaving in situations of “overload”. The change of system of educating teachers and gaining professional competences.
Key words: stress, teacher, teaching profession, occupational burnout.
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